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a medical student 意味

"a medical student"の例文


  • 医学生
  • medical     medical n. 身体検査, 健康診断. 【動詞+】 We'll have to give you a medical before we
  • student     student n. 学生, 生徒; 学者, 研究家. 【動詞+】 accept students by transfer from junior
  • medical student     medical student 医学生 いがくせい
  • medical student    medical student 医学生 いがくせい
  • a student    優等生{ゆうとうせい}
  • a-student    {名} : 優等生{ゆうとうせい}
  • student     student n. 学生, 生徒; 学者, 研究家. 【動詞+】 accept students by transfer from junior colleges 2 年制大学からの転入生を受け入れる condition a student 《米》 再試験を受けることを条件に学生を仮進級させる cram a student with facts 学生
  • student (of)    student (of) 研究家 けんきゅうか
  • student's t    Student's t スチューデントのt[機械]
  • medical     medical n. 身体検査, 健康診断. 【動詞+】 We'll have to give you a medical before we employ you. あなたを雇う前に健康診断を行なわなければならない Everybody has to have a medical before going into the army. 軍隊に入る前にはだれもが身体検
  • (student) loan    (student) loan 貸費 たいひ
  • a mere student    a mere student 一介の学生 いっかいのがくせい
  • academic student    学生{がくせい}
  • achievement for a student    学生{がくせい}の成績{せいせき}
  • admitted student    入学{にゅうがく}が許可{きょか}された生徒{せいと}


  • he is now a medical student at yale university
  • as a medical student , i was taking care of this 19yearold
    医学生の頃 19歳の患者を診ていました
  • i'm a medical student now . yes , i know . i followed your progress .
  • notice no tail and hairless , this is a medical student .
    これが医学生です しっぽがなく 毛がないのが特徴です
  • ok ok ..i'm coming ..ya bye bye hey ..u're a medical student right ?
    えっ? 大変だ! わかった すぐ行く
  • whom i met when i was a medical student .
  • for one thing i'm a medical student
    一応 医大生だし
  • this isn't that , this is a medical student , or a trainee or someone trying to make an extra buck in a backalley surgery , and it went bad .
    あれとは違う 犯人は医学生か 違法手術をしてる誰か
  • at the seijukan , anyone who wanted to be an auditor , even if not a medical student , was allowed to audit lectures , and kinga often gave lectures on the secchugaku (eclecticism ).
  • dr . tanemichi aoyama , the founder of the department of internal medicine of tokyo university , was the third son of kagemichi aoyama , a student of hirata ' s school , and he had been expected to become the successor to nobutane hirata (the third head teacher of hirata ' s school ) before he decided to become a medical student .
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